All About Hair Loss


Hair Loss Pill – The Short Cut

Hair loss is dreaded both by men and women; though men can go around with a bald head, it is very difficult to digest the looks of a woman roaming around with a shaved-off head. This does sound like discrimination – but it is a sad and true fact of the society we live in today. This is why there are “short-cuts” out of this predicament.

What Is the Hair Loss Pill?

Hair loss can be checked by a number of medicines and procedures. However, the methods for hair regeneration in the past were not always too effective. There are a number of hair loss pills which are vouching to create history; however, none really work perfectly when applied. Acknowledging reports’ findings, it is true that these pills provoke hair regeneration but it is not in too large measures to have it called a success.

One of such a hair loss pill is Propecia or as it is popularly knows, Finasteride. This is a hair loss pill which is prescribed by a doctor. You would need to be very careful to administer it correctly and at the right interval of time. This hair loss pill, as mentioned earlier is good but not something you can experiment with over the counter.

The hair loss pill blocks the synthesis of DHT into 5-Alpha DHT and hence stops hair loss almost instantly. This pill needs to be taken on an empty stomach, swallowing the pill as it is. A lot of care needs to be taken not to break, chew and or smash/powder before ingesting it. The medicine is meant to be swallowed whole with plain water. Extreme care should be taken to see that this medicine is not taken in excess by anyone, since it can develop into life-threatening medical situations.

A good point to mention here is that this hair loss pill has been approved by the FDA – which means that it has passed through the many lab tests and other tests and was found to be working as per the claims made out on the labels. This makes it safe to use, when compared to the other pills available in the market.

There are many other choices in the market, which though not yet approved by the FDA, do work. The best way to find out which type of pill works best (and is available in your neighborhood) would be by word of mouth as it is a great way to receive feedback on anything; and often the feedback is highly accurate.