High Blood Pressure


High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

They say that high blood pressure is the silent killer because you really don’t know if you have high blood pressure unless you get checked by your doctor. However, if unchecked, and you do, in fact, have high blood pressure, it could cause major problems, even death. For this reason, you want to get your blood pressure checked regularly.

Can Be Caused By Many Reasons

High blood pressure can be caused by a variety of reasons. Stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and others can be major factors in high blood pressure. Ask your doctor what you can do to bring your high blood pressure down to a more manageable level.

Of course, prevention is the best way to keep from getting high blood pressure in the first place. You should try to get some exercise at least three times per week. This will keep your heart working and will make it strong. Your diet should be as low in saturated fats as possible to prevent bad cholesterol from clogging your arteries. Also, you should try a stress management course if stress seems to be a constant problem in your life. All of these things can prevent high blood pressure from showing up in the first place.

Sometimes, however, you can get high blood pressure even though you eat right, get plenty of exercise and don’t feel stressed at all. That’s because, sometimes, high blood pressure is genetic. That means that it runs in your family. If it does indeed run in your family, you should get regular checkups so that you can make sure your blood pressure is at the correct levels before a problem arises.

To find out how your blood pressure measures up, schedule a checkup with your doctor. It’s a good idea, even if you feel healthy. After all, they don’t call it the silent killer for nothing. Get regular checkups and try to live as healthy as you can and, hopefully, your blood pressure will never get to unmanageable levels. It should be noted, however, that just because the levels may be high, it does not necessarily mean that it’s a death sentence, it just means you have to be more careful about your lifestyle choices.

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