

How a Pregnancy Pillow Can Help

Pregnancy is one of the best times in a woman’s life. Everyday she is feeling how the baby grows and anticipating a life with him or her in it. However, there are many uncomfortable times during pregnancy such as morning sickness, taste changes, the growth in size, which leads not only to the need of larger fitted clothes but also to great discomfort while sleeping.

The good news is there are a few different types of pregnancy pillows which can help improve the comfort and thus the quality of your sleep. Let us explore together the choices available.

The Different Types of Pregnancy Pillows

One of the most popular pregnancy pillows is called the “wedge pillow,” mainly because of its shape. At first the wedge pillow may not seem adequate for the purpose, but once you actually try one you will experience the difference. You cannot achieve the same effect by using normal pillows as some may think, since none of them have the specific cut that the wedge pillow does.

Due to the fact that during pregnancy the stomach suffers the majority of growth, and because you cannot sleep on the back during the later stages of the pregnancy all the time, usually you will tend to choose sleeping on the side. Here is where the wedge pillow steps in to help support your stomach and your back as well. After the pregnancy your baby will enjoy this pillow as well whether he or she will use it for sleeping or playing.

Another type of pregnancy pillow is the memory foam type. This pillow shapes to your body, and therefore can be used for back support as well as for the belly. They are very comfortable and you will be happy to use one after you have ended your pregnancy period.

You may also find comfort in small pillows as well during pregnancy, as you can squeeze them where needed for support. However, if you want a true good night’s sleep try choosing between the pregnancy pillows mentioned above, or even invest in both. After all, you will have use for them after the pregnancy as well.

Helpful Tip

The wedge pillow is generally less expensive than the memory foam pillow and you can machine wash and dry it as well especially if you choose one that is made of mixed materials such as cotton and polyester. With the proper research, you are sure to find the pillow that is best for you.