

Knowing About a Twin Pregnancy

You and your husband have been trying for many years to conceive a child. You never thought the day would come, but all indications seem to confirm that your miracle has happened and you will now become a family of three.

Your first prenatal appointment goes well and your doctor prescribes vitamins, gives you a diet to follow and other information that will ensure your health as well as the health of your baby. She also orders a sonogram and shares with you that this is just a routine procedure and is painless. She further explains that she simply wants to check the development of your child within your womb and to pinpoint how far along your pregnancy is.

The day of the sonogram arrives. You are lying face up on the technician's table and various preparations are taken to conduct the exam. A gel-like substance is applied to your stomach and the sonogram technician places a paddle on your stomach and moves it to various positions. The technician asks if you would like to see your babies. You have just been diagnosed with a twin pregnancy.

General Information About Twins

It is important to know about a twin pregnancy as a normal pregnancy involves the birthing of just one child. First of all, there are two different categories of a twin pregnancy. Those different categories of a twin pregnancy are fraternal and identical twins.

Fraternal twins are two separate ovum or eggs. In turn these two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. On the other hand, identical twins are two separate babies that are created from one egg that was fertilized by one individual sperm.

The process to create identical twins involves the division of the two separate but identical cells. These two separate cells evolve into two separate fetuses. A twin pregnancy frequently involves babies that are fraternal in nature.

Possible Complications

There are a few possible complications involved with the diagnosis of a twin pregnancy. One of those complications is the strong possibility of the premature birth of both babies. Also, there are associated risks to the mother involved with a twin pregnancy. Those possible complications include gestational diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy toxemia, and possible childbirth difficulties.

Care of the Mother

Because the mother’s health equates to the healthy formation and delivery of her unborn children, it is paramount to care for and nurture the mother. This nurturing can be accomplished through a variety of methods.

One of these methods is to ensure that the mother's diet is in keeping with her twin pregnancy condition. An important dietary ingredient for the pregnant woman is food that is rich in protein.

In addition, to minimizing premature delivery as much as possible, it is important that the pregnant woman increased her weight gain during the early stages of the pregnancy. This early weight gain will optimize the growth and function of the placenta.

A rule of thumb for a mother in a twin pregnancy condition is the gaining of one pound per week or an estimated 40 pound weight gain by full-term. A mother also should talk to her attending physician about vitamin, calcium and iron supplements. With the proper care, a woman can have an easier pregnancy and deliver a health set of twins.