Cat World


Typical Cat: A Predator At Heart

Cats behave in a manner that is extremely feline and are also able to modify some aspects of their behavior to make them seem feline-like. Typical cat behavior includes purring, sleeping, and climbing. The most typical cat behavior would undoubtedly be its purring, which is often thought to be a sign of it being contented and, is the case, in most instances. However, kittens as well as queens will purr while nursing and, a typical cat purrs when it is being petted or when it enjoys familiar as well as safe and comfortable environments.

Purring Is Common To Cats

Purring may be common to cats but it is not always indicative of its being happy. Sometimes, it may purr when sick or injured or under stress. It may thus be seen to be a way for it to calm itself and is similar to a person smiling nervously. The typical cat is also fond of its sleep and, though many factor, both individual as well as environmental, affects its sleep, a typical cat may be found sleeping for as many as sixteen hours in a day. In addition, the cats are also able to dream as is indicated by their movements whilst asleep and, through scientific scanning of their brain waves.

In typical cat behavior, its sleep habits are indicative of its state of health and older cats show these signs more distinctively and, one may need to contact a veterinarian, if these habits show significant changes. The typical cat may also be a catnip junkie because when it consumes this non-addictive drug, it gets pleasurable reactions. A typical cat will munch fresh or dried catnip and roll and rub their heads in it, and become a crazed animal that runs, spins, and plays before regaining its calm. There are many catnip toys, dried as well as fresh catnip that may be given to a cat.

The typical cat can be seen climbing to high places because elevated perches may be safe places for them. In addition, height gives them a strategic advantage and the cat is able to view the goings-on, without being seen and, this behavior in a cat is most indicative of what a typical cat is – a predator. Cats may also climb to be comfortable since the higher the perch, the warmer it is bound to be and, it also provides them security, while they take a snooze. It may also be indicative of social climbing, as dominant cats may normally take up the highest vantage point, available.