All About Hair Loss


Hair Loss in a Woman is Quite Different to that of Men

It is quite common for women to have hair loss and it is a widespread women’s health condition that needs to be diagnosed as well as treated. According to estimates, it is believed that are around 30 per cent of women are either affected by hair loss or have hair loss symptoms that require treatment. This number is expected to increase with each passing year and it may be reckoned that as many as 20 to 50 per cent of all women may be affected by some amount of hair loss.

Hair loss in women may be devastating and may cause physical as well as emotional discomfort as well as be a painful experience that makes hair loss that much more difficult, especially in today’s society, where image is the be all and end of all appearances.

Social Stigma is not Dangerous to Health

Hair loss in women is generally not accepted even though the person affected may not have directly contributed to such a condition and it may be perceived as being a sign of loss of femininity. With abrupt hair loss in women, one may think it to be a dangerous symptom but that is not the case even though it may lead to marriages breaking down or cause problems at work as well as cause isolation in society. Of course, the instances of women turning bald are rare but in the event of such an affliction it could cause the woman much heartbreak as well as devastate her life.

Often, hair loss in women may result in depression, anxiety and other conditions and is very unlike hair loss in men, which is accepted to society. There may also be varying degrees of hair loss in women that is radically different to hair loss in men. What occurs in the case of women is that there would not be any receding hair line or bald patches but the hair would thin out though such thinning out is pretty even all over her head.

Hormones have been closely identified with hair loss in women and it may be due to thyroid abnormalities or due to menopause or pregnancy. Other common causes of hair loss in women include using or giving up birth control pills, post-partum depression and pre as well as early post menopausal periods and also physical stress, emotional stress, poor diet and nutrition, illnesses, ringworms and a host of other conditions.